Suma's Veena concert revealed a good standard of musical and technical competence.
Indian Express - Madras
Suma Sudhindra’s Veena recital at Madras Musical Academy was pleasing for pure note melody.
- The Hindu, Madras
The highlight of the evening was the pleasant Veena recital by visiting Veena artist Suma Sudhindra.
-India Tribune, Chicago
Suma Sudhindra, the Veena exponent from India presented an enjoyable Veena concert at University Hall.
-Reporter, Buffalo USA
Suma authoritatively quoted some examples from ancient texts. A good and thought providing lecture - demonstration
by her. - Indian Express, Bangalore
The Veena recital by Suma at Shanmukananda Hall proved that she has attained a high level of technical excellence in the handling of the instrument - Indian Express - Bombay